The Protect IT Plan
Get Tech Help at the Push of a Button (a REAL One!)
Our Protect IT plans give you the peace of mind that your technology is always in good hands. can proactively protect your home computers. With our Protect IT Plans, you'll have the peace of mind that your technology is always in good hands.
Choose a plan below that meets your needs.
Protect IT PLUS
Unlimited remote support via phone, chat, and email with quick IT turn around for your PCs
$65 month
- Unlimited Remote Technical Support for Windows PC’s
- Setup Fee:
$125$99 - 2 onsite visits per year included (Nampa-Meridian-Boise-Caldwell only)
- Additional on-site visits $125 per visit
- Connect2Geek Button
- ThreatLocker CyberSecurity
- Keeper Business Password Manager
- Local and Online Backups Fully encrypted, managed, and tested (100GB included)
- Computer Monitoring - We watch for error, viruses, disks issues, etc. in real-time
- Automated PC Maintenance - Monthly
- IT Documentation Portal
- 8 am to 5 pm M-F MST support hours (No 24/7 Support Option)
$95 month
- Unlimited Remote Technical Support for Windows PC’s
- Setup Fee:
$125$99 - 4 onsite visits per year included (Nampa-Meridian-Boise-Caldwell only)
- Additional on-site visits $115 per visit
- Connect2Geek Button
- ThreatLocker CyberSecurity
- Enterprise Anti-Virus/Malware Software
- Traitware MFA Passwordless SSO Authentication
- Keeper Enterprise Password Management
- Local and Online Backups Fully encrypted, managed, and tested. (400GB included)
- Computer Monitoring - We watch for error, viruses, disks issues, etc. in real-time
- Automated PC Maintenance - Daily
- Virus/malware removal services
- IT Documentation Portal
- 8 am to 5 pm M-F MST support hours (No 24/7 Support Option)
Protect IT
Flexible options for every budget
$20 month
- Setup Fee: $125
- Connect2Geek Button
- 5% Discount on IT Support Labor
- ThreatLocker CyberSecurity
- Local and Online Backups, Managed and Encrypted (100GB Included, $0.05 per additional GB)
- Software Update Management-We patch common applications plus Windows
- IT Documentation Portal
$30 month
- Setup Fee:
$125$99 - Connect2Geek Button
- 10% Discount on IT Support Labor
- ThreatLocker CyberSecurity
- Duo Free Edition Two-Factor Authentication
- Keeper Business Managed Password System
- Local and Online Backups, Managed and Encrypted (200GB Included, $0.05 per additional GB)
- Enterprise Anti-Virus/Malware Software that we monitor for Viruses remotely
- Computer Monitoring-We watch for errors, viruses, disks issues etc. in real time
- Software Update Management-We patch common applications plus Windows
- Automated PC Maintenance - Monthly
- IT Documentation Portal
$45 month
- Setup Fee:
$125$99 - Connect2Geek Button
- 15% Discount on IT Support Labor
- ThreatLocker CyberSecurity
- Traitware MFA Passwordless SSO Authentication
- Keeper Enterprise Managed Password System
- Local and Online Backups, Managed and Encrypted (300GB Included, $0.05 per additional GB)
- Enterprise Anti-Virus/Malware Software that we monitor for Viruses remotely
- Computer Monitoring-We watch for errors, viruses, disks issues etc. in real time
- Software Update Management-We patch common applications plus Windows
- Automated PC Maintenance - Daily
- IT Documentation Portal