Every few months while we remove viruses we hear about another data breach at a large organization that impacts millions of consumers’ personal information. The taxpayers of the State of South Carolina, shoppers at Target, and anyone in the database of credit reporting agency Equifax are just a few of the victims of data breaches through no fault of their own. [Read more…]
10 Proven Ways to Secure Your Wireless Network (Great for Both Business & Home!)
Wireless networks, or Wi-Fis, are a necessity in homes and offices these days. Besides computers being able to print wirelessly without a bunch of cables running to each device, mobile devices often rely on having a wireless connection to go online.
Our Cybersecurity Team at Connect2Geek has performed thousands of virus removals over the years due to unsecure networks. We’d rather prepare our clients proactively from avoiding a virus or malware intrusion in the first place. [Read more…]
Stop Costly Data Breaches: Teach Employees to Avoid Phishing Scams
Your new sales person receives an email that looks like it’s from a large company and states there is a purchase order attached. Even though it looks slightly “off” the promise of a sale is hard to resist, and they open the attachment. [Read more…]
6 Instant Tips for Safe Internet Browsing (for All Ages)
Whether you have a teen that’s never known a world without the internet or a senior parent that’s learning the ropes online, safe internet browsing is a must to keep your family protected from viruses, malware, and more. [Read more…]
Where to go for repairs in Nampa
Let’s face it, no matter how reliable something is, sometimes things break. It’s an inevitable part of life. And when our favorite piece of equipment bites the dust, it’s important to know the best place to go to repair it.
In the Nampa area, there are a ton of great repair shops for all sorts of things that can help you get back up and running in no time.
At Connect2Geek, we have your computer repair needs taken care of, but where should you turn to get your other items fixed?
Does My Computer Need To Be Repaired by a Professional?

For many of us, when a computer breaks down, panic ensues. But it does not have to be this way. By calmly following a set of steps, you can determine the best course of action toward fixing the issue, which will bring you that much closer to resolving it.
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Top 5 Geeky Destinations Near Nampa, Idaho

If you find yourself in or around Nampa, Idaho, and enjoy doing geeky types of activities, you are in luck. Here are the top five places to visit (in no particular order):
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How Does Data Recovery Work? (Top Techniques & More)
Not all data loss is created equal. An accidentally deleted file is much easier to recover than files on a fire-damaged computer. But, no matter how they’re lost, once a file’s gone, you truly realize how much you needed it.
Whether it’s cherished family vacation photos or all of last year’s accounting records, losing computer data is the same as losing a physical filing cabinet that holds thousands of important files, records, and memories.
According to Dell, the average cost to companies for a data loss episode is $2,450, and that’s if the data is retrievable. A per record lost file estimate from Ponemon Institute is $154 per file. If a company is in the healthcare industry and subject to HIPAA regulations, each lost or stolen record containing sensitive information can cost them an average of $363 per record.
Costs for lost data add up fast, and if the data isn’t retrievable, they can skyrocket even higher.
At Connect2Geek.com, data recovery is a specialty of ours. We offer risk-free data recovery services… You don’t pay unless we get your data back. We know how important it is to have files restored, and we’re able to do most of the work in house, and we partner with severe case recovery experts when needed. [Read more…]
What is Office 365 & How Can it Power Your Productivity?
We often get asked about Office 365 and how it differs from the well-known suite of Microsoft Office products – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook. The simple answer is that it’s a high-octane version of those old favorites, updated for an internet connected world.
Our Office Productivity Team at Connect2Geek.com spends their days and nights working on ways to help our clients boost their productivity and get the most out of their technology. Office 365 is a big part of their playbook and one that can make a huge difference for your day-to-day business.
In this blog, we’re going to give you the lowdown on all the burning questions about this Microsoft product…
- What is it?
- How does it work?
- Why do I want it?
- Do I still get Word, Excel, and the other Microsoft programs?
By the end you should know enough, that you could probably give your own talk about why it’s a great tool for boosting office productivity. [Read more…]
5 Ways that Managed Services Can Save You from Costly Computer Downtime
The clock’s ticking on a client deadline and your main computer just went down. Not only is it costing you money every minute of downtime, it could also cost you your reputation.
An average of 80% of mission-critical downtime is directly caused by people or process failures, many of which could be stopped before impacting a business. Investing in managed services that monitor and maintain your technology greatly reduces the risk of outages, unhappy customers, and missed sales opportunities.
What are managed services, exactly? We’ll go into more detail on what Connect2Geek.com offers in our managed service packages below, but first, let’s look at a big picture overview.
Think of managed services for your technology as you do maintenance & monitoring systems for your car. You have a gauge that tells you when the oil needs to be changed, if you didn’t have that gauge to alert you when the oil level was low then you could end up with a car that stops running because you didn’t know it needed that oil.
Of course, the cost for an oil change and regular maintenance on your car is nothing compared to the cost of not being able to drive to work or having to fix or replace your car, so it’s a “no brainer” to keep it maintained and monitored.
It’s the same way for your computers, devices, and network. If there is a critical security patch that comes out for your operating system, if you’re not monitoring that, how can you know? And not applying the patch could result in a virus infiltration or ransomware attack.
Investing in managed services helps you stay proactive instead of reactive when it comes to maintaining your technology, just like you do for your automobile. And you come out saving big time in the end. [Read more…]